Saturday, November 10, 2007

The 8th Amendment

The 8th Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, which forbids excessive bail or fines also cruel and unusual punishment. A judge cannot charge a person a high unusual amount of money for bail because he doesn't like him also punishment must fit the crime. For example if a person is caught steal a loaf of bread to feed his own family because they lack any kind of money, he or she cannot face death penalty. Another example is if someone is found guilty of stealing the court cannot cut your hands of or make you stand nude infront of everyone. The punishment must fit the crime.

As for bail, that depends on the crime situation. Bail is a sum of money given to the court as a declaration that the person beign accused will return to trial, if that someone refuses to show up on trial day then he or she looses their bail. The most seriousness of the crime the higher the bail amount will come about.

Such punishment of death penalty are those who are guilty of crimes such as capital crimes or capital offenses. Capital crimes is gross violation of human law and capital offense is breaking laws and commiting such a serious crime. Bothe capital crime and capital offense relate to each other.

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