Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Black Discrimination

Prejudice, harassment or violence towards African Americans can be considered black discrimination.
Opportunities given to someone other than an African American because of race can be considered black discrimination.
Segregation of African Americans due to racial background can be considered black discrimination.
African Americans are the most segregated group in U.S. society. There are many ways to measure segregation. Blacks are also highly overrepresented in city public housing developments. One concern about this problem has to do with health issues. The infant mortality rate for blacks in America is one of the highest in the world, higher than any industrialized country, and higher even than some third world countries. Black children in the 1-4 age range have mortality rates twice that of white children. Black teenagers have mortality rates 10 times that of whites, and homicide is a leading cause of death. Black adults have a mortality rate 30 to 40% more than whites.

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