Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Liberalism is a political philosophy that change is for the better, especially rational change toward rational ends, like the perfectibility of human nature and society. Liberalism is egalitarian both to people and to ideas. Evil is seen as arising out of ignorance and lack of information. Libertarianism is a philosophy of limited government and individualism which emphasizes if a thing is not harmful to another, then no authority should restrict it. Libertarian philosophy holds that it is not the business of anyone to tell another what they should believe or not believe. Both philosophies are behind the notion of a free marketplace of ideas.
The libertarian theory of the press is that information is knowledge, and knowledge is power. It enables people to realize their potential, and since news is about people making the news, the press reminds us that society has not grown to an entity of greater importance than the people comprising it. Whether or not we regard free press as a natural or inalienable right depends upon how much we assume that people desire to know the truth, and will be set free by it.


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