Saturday, November 10, 2007

The 8th Amendment

The 8th Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights, which forbids excessive bail or fines also cruel and unusual punishment. A judge cannot charge a person a high unusual amount of money for bail because he doesn't like him also punishment must fit the crime. For example if a person is caught steal a loaf of bread to feed his own family because they lack any kind of money, he or she cannot face death penalty. Another example is if someone is found guilty of stealing the court cannot cut your hands of or make you stand nude infront of everyone. The punishment must fit the crime.

As for bail, that depends on the crime situation. Bail is a sum of money given to the court as a declaration that the person beign accused will return to trial, if that someone refuses to show up on trial day then he or she looses their bail. The most seriousness of the crime the higher the bail amount will come about.

Such punishment of death penalty are those who are guilty of crimes such as capital crimes or capital offenses. Capital crimes is gross violation of human law and capital offense is breaking laws and commiting such a serious crime. Bothe capital crime and capital offense relate to each other.

civil rights movement

Civil right are the protection and priveleges of personal power given to all citizens by law. Civil rights are characterized by human rights or natural rights. In the 1950s and 1960s a movement was created called the American Civil Rights movement. This movement was a struggle for equal rights for African-Americans. African Americans suffered from racial segregation and second class citizenship. During the 20th century western societies tried to remove discrimination such as race, gender and disabilities begining with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as the whites, were not allowed to sit in the front of the buses because they were reserved for the whites and they were not allowed any voting rights.

Some strageties against African-Americans was the NAACP which was National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. This was an Organization to work on the behalf of the rights of African Americans.

During this time there was a court case that occured, this was called Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. This case was mainly about giving African Americans equal educational rights. It establish separate but equal public school educations between whites and blacks. The out come of this court case came about because of a court case that occured before in 1896 which was called Plessy v. Ferguson which was to assign racial segregated public schools.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Freedom of Speech

The purpose of freedom of speech is having the ability to speak freely without being stopped. Identifying your individuality. The ability of Freedom of speech shes hows the existence of democracy and respect of human dignity. Human are able to express their different ideas, desires and feelings. Freedom of speech may seem harmful for many because lots of people wouldnt agree with what the other person might say and conflict and chaos will emerge. Each person should be able to say and think whatever he or she pleases even if you do not wish to convince many others.

The first amendment is the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, the press and to petition the government which means congress cannot pass any kind of law to stop people from going on strikes, having their own belief in religions and freedom to publish information as they wish without being sentenced to anything. Freedom of speech promotes a marketplace of ideas. Freedom of speech is cricial in any democracy. Democracy is a government for the people by the people. We are able to vote on our president and candidates.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

bill of rights

I. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition
This amendment respects indivual belifs in religion, allows people to speak as they please, the right to make requests on what they wish to change or what they feel they need.

II. Right to keep and bear arms
Americans depend on Militias of gun-owning citizens not on armies.

III. Conditions for quarters of soldiers
Citizens are not forced to give up any room for the soldiers.

IV. Right of search and seizure regulated
The police can't arrest you unless they have a good reason to suspect that you have broken the law. They cannot neither search your home without permission.

V. Provisons concerning prosecution
No one can be tried for a crime unless accused of it, no one can be forced to testify against themselves, no one can be tried more than once on the same crime

VI. Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.
Everyone must be allowed a lawyer even if they cannot afford one, the government must provide for the poor who cannot get one.

VII. Right to a trial by jury
The person accused of being involved in a crime can choose whether they want the jury or the judge to make the final decisions.

VIII. Excessive bail, cruel punishment
A judge cannot just charge a person an outrageous amount of money for bail because he doesn't like him or because he doesn't like a member of his family, also punishment must fit the crime.

IX. Rule of construction of Constitution
Just because a humans right was not mentioned in the first 10 Amendments does not mean that people do not have them.

X. Rights of the States under Constitution
If the Constitution does not say that the government of our country has the power to do something then the power goes to the people.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

the meaning of human rights

Human rights pertains to "the basic rights and freedom that each individual must have". This includes the right to life, liberty and freedom of each thought and their way in expressing themselves, also equality amongst all individuals.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." which means that each person must be worthiness equally within each other and should be able to have equal rights.

The term human rights came from the idea of "natural rights". Natural rights, in particular, are the rights of the individual, and considered beyond the authority of a future government or international body to dismiss.

The legal and moral rights of humans recognized by national and international laws. Rights that belong to an individual as a consequence of being human. Human right consist of the bill of rights, which is made up of the first ten ammendments

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

womens rights

Throughout history women's main roles was to become a wife, housekeeper and mother, and teach their little girls to follow by their traditions. Womens jobs were cooking, sewing, needle stitch and things that was related to the home. Many womens were not educated when it came it literature or mathematics or things of that category. They volenteered their time to help the less fortunate which were the poor. At that time that was when the welfare system was introduced. The welfare system was a program to financially help and/or aid those in need such as the poor.

Some women's were not happy with how they were being differentiate between men. They felt they were capable of doing just as much as men could if they were given the chance to prove it and that when women's began to find their voice and speak for themselves. The women's suffrage then became about which was known to establish equal right for women such as education, the right to vote and property.

In 1893 New Zealand were the first to give women full rights to vote. With that many other countries gave women rights to vote and by the 20th century all countries had full voting rights for womens.