Thursday, November 8, 2007

bill of rights

I. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition
This amendment respects indivual belifs in religion, allows people to speak as they please, the right to make requests on what they wish to change or what they feel they need.

II. Right to keep and bear arms
Americans depend on Militias of gun-owning citizens not on armies.

III. Conditions for quarters of soldiers
Citizens are not forced to give up any room for the soldiers.

IV. Right of search and seizure regulated
The police can't arrest you unless they have a good reason to suspect that you have broken the law. They cannot neither search your home without permission.

V. Provisons concerning prosecution
No one can be tried for a crime unless accused of it, no one can be forced to testify against themselves, no one can be tried more than once on the same crime

VI. Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.
Everyone must be allowed a lawyer even if they cannot afford one, the government must provide for the poor who cannot get one.

VII. Right to a trial by jury
The person accused of being involved in a crime can choose whether they want the jury or the judge to make the final decisions.

VIII. Excessive bail, cruel punishment
A judge cannot just charge a person an outrageous amount of money for bail because he doesn't like him or because he doesn't like a member of his family, also punishment must fit the crime.

IX. Rule of construction of Constitution
Just because a humans right was not mentioned in the first 10 Amendments does not mean that people do not have them.

X. Rights of the States under Constitution
If the Constitution does not say that the government of our country has the power to do something then the power goes to the people.

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