Tuesday, November 6, 2007

womens rights

Throughout history women's main roles was to become a wife, housekeeper and mother, and teach their little girls to follow by their traditions. Womens jobs were cooking, sewing, needle stitch and things that was related to the home. Many womens were not educated when it came it literature or mathematics or things of that category. They volenteered their time to help the less fortunate which were the poor. At that time that was when the welfare system was introduced. The welfare system was a program to financially help and/or aid those in need such as the poor.

Some women's were not happy with how they were being differentiate between men. They felt they were capable of doing just as much as men could if they were given the chance to prove it and that when women's began to find their voice and speak for themselves. The women's suffrage then became about which was known to establish equal right for women such as education, the right to vote and property.

In 1893 New Zealand were the first to give women full rights to vote. With that many other countries gave women rights to vote and by the 20th century all countries had full voting rights for womens.


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