Friday, November 9, 2007

Freedom of Speech

The purpose of freedom of speech is having the ability to speak freely without being stopped. Identifying your individuality. The ability of Freedom of speech shes hows the existence of democracy and respect of human dignity. Human are able to express their different ideas, desires and feelings. Freedom of speech may seem harmful for many because lots of people wouldnt agree with what the other person might say and conflict and chaos will emerge. Each person should be able to say and think whatever he or she pleases even if you do not wish to convince many others.

The first amendment is the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, the press and to petition the government which means congress cannot pass any kind of law to stop people from going on strikes, having their own belief in religions and freedom to publish information as they wish without being sentenced to anything. Freedom of speech promotes a marketplace of ideas. Freedom of speech is cricial in any democracy. Democracy is a government for the people by the people. We are able to vote on our president and candidates.

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